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Manulife Global Fund is a "société d'investissement à capital variable" (SICAV) under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Manulife Global Fund contains a variety of low-, medium- and high-risk funds, for medium- to long-term investments that match your investment goals. Portfolio holdings may include prime equities, fast-growing small or medium cap stocks, sovereign and corporate bonds based in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Japan, China and other emerging markets, covering a selection of countries, regions and industrial sectors.

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  • If you are HK domiciled MGF investors, please click "Hong Kong"
  • If you are Taiwan domiciled MGF investors, please click  "Taiwan"
  • If you are an MGF investor domiciled in Europe please visit the Manulife Investment Management website and select your country of domicile to see funds registered in your country.
  • If you are domiciled in a country not identified above, please click "Luxembourg"

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